Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas


Via Aquila Romana, 2 Arpino (Fr) - Italy


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The Founder

Il Prof. Ugo Quadrini The headmaster, Prof. Ugo Quadrini, was born in Arpino on 8th June 1920 and got a degree at the Liceo –Ginnasio “Tulliano” in 1939. He graduated in Modern Literature at the “Sapienza” University in Rome on 18th December 1944.

He became Assistant preceptor at the Convitto Nazionale of Arpino from 1939 to 1942; from 1945 to 1950 he entered “Tulliano” High School as substitute teacher of Literature at the Gymnasium.
From August 1950 to September 1953 he worked as tenured teacher at Scuola Media Statale in Arpino. Since 1955 he became tenured teacher of classical subjects at Liceo-Ginnasio “Tulliano” of Arpino and held the role up to 1965 when obtained the role of headmaster up to September 1985 on grounds of age. Since 1992 he held the job of Special Administrative Administrator at the USL FR/6 of Ceprano up until his death.
His name is linked also to: Dante Alighieri Society, in which he worked as Auditor at the headquarter of Piazza Firenze in Rome and as very active President of Arpino Committee: “Associazione ex alunni ed Amici del Tulliano”, born in 1981; “Accademia Ciceroniana Arpinate”, where he worked as promoter and president since 1990, year of the foundation.

Publications: “Chiose a Senofane”; a verse translation of “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles; “Ibis” translation and analysing; Paolo Diacono: Particolarità sintattiche..

Ricordo del Preside Ugo Quadrini, ideatore del Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas

An event that can’t be failed to attend is the Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas, dear to us all, since the headmaster of Tulliano, Prof. Ugo Quadrini, in 1980, with a happy intuition and an acute far-sightedness, invented and realised it. The first edition, at regional level, was expanded to the whole Nation.

The constant success obtained encouraged him to extent outside Italy the cultural and human experience. Now he’s dead. Not only the high mastery of life but also the evidences of the effective and efficient works in various fields - having like common denominator the culture and the promotion of human person - and the activity in favour of the culture and Arpino that it will be able to make known and show clearly overseas.

It’s above all on the Tulliano that he left the mark of his action, first as a teacher and then as headmaster.
A teacher who paid attention to problems of young people and had both a cultural and professional preparation and the extraordinary ability to communicate his knowledge with a personal involvement, shaping the consciousness of students.  His personality, made of sense of duty, love for classicism, the humanitas as dimension of life, led him, during his presidency of Lyceum, to create and complete initiatives with ardent fervour and spirit of self-denial.

We dearly remember the moments we lived together during the organization of Certamen, moments of intense activity and generously commitment.  
The headmaster Quadrini didn’t’ fail to offer, with his contagious passion and his unique collaboration, His precious contribution in order that the event would have great success. We love to think he is always present with His deep humanity and authentic culture.

Il Preside Ugo Quadrini fondatore del Certamen


Il Preside Ugo Quadrini fondatore del Certamen

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